Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Practical Exam

Practical Exam Tomorrow:

1. Single Leg Deadlift with a Cable and Hip Extension

The Joint action is the Extension

It is in the Saggital Plane

The main muscles being used are the hamstrings and the gluts

How to perform the exercise? Lower torso slowly by pushing the hip back, and pause at the bottom extending your hips and slowly return back to starting position

- Do not round out

- Extend hips

2. Alternating 1 Arm Chest Press on a Flat Bench

JA – Horizontal Abduction

Plane – Transverse

Agonist- Pec Major

Synergist- Ant. Delt

Start on a neutral position lying on a flat bench, keeping upper arms and forearms parallel to the floor, Lift and lower weights in a controlled matter.

- Do not let weights bang at top

- Squeeze at top and pause for a second before returning back to neutral position

- Also can alternative at the same time, back and forth non stop

3. Drag Curl

Elbow flexion

Agonist- Brachallulis

Synergist- Biceps

4. T Push Up

JA- Horizontal Adduction

Plane- Transverse

Agonist- Pec Major

Synergist- Ant Delt

5. Tobobgin

Scapula Retraction

JA- Horizontal Abduction

Plane- Transverse

Working the Mid Traps, Rhomboids

Agonist Post Delt

6. 2 Point of contact Dumbbell Row

Shoulder extension


Prime Mover- Lats

Synergist – Teres major, post delt, biceps

7. 1 point of contact Dumbbell Row

-Elbow close to the body

- Neutal Lumbar/cervical posture, chest square off the floor, 1 knee on the bench

Slowly flex the elbow and pull the arm up until the arm is parallel to the floor, creating a 90 degreee angle and return back to neutral position slowly

A- Lats

S- Teres major, post delt, biceps

8. Shoulder Press on the floor

Don’t arch backwards, do not let dumbbell touch at the top, keep shoulder blades retracted, do not lock out at top

A- Ant Delt

S- Melt Delt

9. Squats

Works the gluts, hamstrings, and guads.

Have a neutral starting position; start with pushing hip back, lower to 90 degree of knee flexion and pause and return slowly back to neutral position.

- Do not let the knees past the toes

- Do not drop gluts lower than the knee, and keep a neutral spine

10. Standing Dumbbell Lunge

Quads, hamstrings, Gluts. Take a step forward and flex rear knee, do not allow the knee of the front leg to travel past the toes, do not arch your back

11. Birddog

Lumbar extensions, Logissimius, ilrocastalis, multifide

Extend 1 leg and opposite arm parallel to the floor, hold for 8 seconds and maintain neutral alignment, mild contraction of ab. Wall to ensure spine stability.

12. Side Bridge

Abs, maintain neutral neck and spine position, maintain contraction of the abdominals to create spine stability.

13. Tricep Press

Initiate at the elbow and retract shoulder blades, maintain shoulder position and do not allow the elbows to flare away from the body.

14. Pull Up


Teres major, post delt, and biceps.

- Body position perpendicular to the floor

- Initiate by contracting lats, and pull body and chin to be even with the grip, don’t swing, neutralize the lumbar/cervical area

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