Friday, November 6, 2009

Life Upates 09/12/09

A little update on my life. Well on Friday got the paperwork for the training institute now got to get some paperwork signed and a doctor’s release form. Besides that I had a good weekend partied both Friday and Saturday and there was a UFC event, and a lot of sport events this weekend. Also, I got to spar on both days and I feel really good about that. I love to spar, it is great exercise and you get to learn a lot of new skills that you can use in the next fight. Besides that I need a camera desperately and feeling like I’m missing out on shit because I don’t have a camera to take pics with and make vids with. Besides, eagles got killed today, real bad; the defense didn’t show up today. Mike Vick is coming back next week and that should make things more exciting. 2 weeks until back to the grind but I’m excited I want to get it done with already. Yeah six months should go by fast and it funny how Drexel starts for everyone tomorrow, I got to talk to my counselors and make sure everything was set up perfectly. Oh yeah starting Tuesday I will be shadowing my mom when she cooks so I can get my cooking skills to par so when I start to train people I can also cook their meals.

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