Thursday, November 5, 2009

KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) Fitness Tips Vol. 17

Tips 17
1. Do not be afraid to skip workouts. One of two days off a month will not hurt you, so don’t stress about it, come back stronger.
2. Strawberries are a super source of vitamin C, and contain more nutrients than a orange.
3. The best scenario is if your training partner has an equal but different range of knowledge and experience than you do.
4. Some lower-glycemic foods include: beans, peas, whole-grain breads, barley, fresh fruits, milk, dark chocolate, and veggies such as broccoli, yams, sweet potatoes, and salad greens.
5. Try to circuit train once every week to give your body that shock it will need to break thru them plateaus.
6. Squats are one of the most difficult exercises to perfect so learn the proper form and perform each exercise correctly with just your body weight before you add resistance.
7. Try hammer curls, they are often forgotten but they are a good workout for the brachial is.
8. What is the different between strength and power?
9. Try working out in reserve, by changing the order of your program.
10. HIRE DANNY LAM AS YOUR PERSONAL TRAINER AND FITNESS COACH…. Remember the first workout is free. if you like it GREAT. it will be a start of a good relationship, if not it’s ok you still got a free workout. so just talk to me, try out a free session and we can go from there, and BTW check out the training videos on my Facebook to see the variety and types of workouts I create for my clients.

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