Thursday, November 5, 2009

KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) Training Tips Vol.9

Fitness Tips Vol. 9

1. Want to add spice to your dishes, use Bell Peppers. They are loaded with antioxidants and vitamins A and C. So spice up your life.
2. The muscles of the calves are the gastrocenmius, soleus, and tibialis anterior. Yeah I was forced to memorize that for my Personal Training Test.
3. Want to build nice calves, and then you better start jump roping.
4. A gallon of water makes you pee all day, but think of the amount of toxics you will be releasing when you pee.
5. When throwing a cut kick, add for 2-3 inches just above the knee, while hitting the thigh region.
6. What’s the difference between simple and complex carbs? Simple carbs include sugars, milk, honey, and fruit. While complex carbs include grains, nuts, vegetables, and oats.
7. Need help create a eating plan. Go to
8. To work forearms, perform barbell wrist curls and reverse wrist curls.
9. Calories burned per hour: sleeping-72, walking-336, Jogging-600, running-900.10. HIRE DANNY LAM AS YOUR PERSONAL TRAINER AND FITNESS COACH…. Remember the first workout is free. if you like it GREAT. it will be a start of a good relationship, if not it’s ok you still got a free workout. so just talk to me, try out a free session and we can go from there, and BTW check out the training videos on my Facebook to see the variety and types of workouts I create for my clients.

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