Personal Updates.
Man this week at the gym really sucks. It has been torture getting thru the workouts and for the past three workouts I have not went thru a workout without having big yawns. I been getting my rest and a good night sleep, but as soon as I hit the gym, I started feeling very tired. Even to the point where I could just lay on the bench press and just fall asleep. It’s a very weird feeling because I have creatine inside of me and I am slipping on my super pump. I would say that it is the worst feeling to have at the gym, the feeling where you are so tired that even lifting 30 pounds feel like the weight of the world is inside that one damn dumbbell. It really tests your mental capacity and your ability to get thru that obstacle.
Yeah I hate that feeling, but I am proud that I break thru that feeling and get thru with my workouts, and even do more than most people around me as I still do my abs workouts during the rest period. I barely stop during my workouts. However, I just hate that feeling cause it feels like working out becomes a painful hassle whereas workouts should be enjoyable and fun for me. Sometimes I question if I need to work out cause genetics sucks. They really do, if I had the genetics that some of the people I see around I would seriously be one of the buffest guys around. Yes it really sucks when you see people who never touched a weight in their life but have that V shaped and the 8 pack abs. It’s a struggle and it’s one thing I hate about life. You are born into the genetics you have and no matter how hard you try or work at it, there is a certain limit that you will never reach. I would say that the sport of bodybuilding is 99 percent genetics cause if you do not have the genetic makeup to be a bodybuilder, there is not a chance you will be able to become the next Mr. Universe. Look at the past winners and you will notice the pattern.
Well as you can see, I’m in a bad mood. I have good and bad days like everyone. Yeah there are days when I question what I am doing and lose motivation but I use these days as a learning experience and teach me to get thru these hurdles and reach my goals.
Quote of the day:
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