Monday, November 30, 2009

ACE NOTES Series 6

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ACE Notes Series 6

1. What is Rice? Rest, Ice, Compression, elevation, used to reduce swelling

2. What are ligaments? Non-elastic tissue designed to connect bone to bone, found around joints.

3. What are proprioceptors? Specialized nerve endings in muscle, tendons, and joints that are sensitive in changes in tension during activity, gives a body part a sense of where it is in space.

4. What is the postical phase? The late phase during a grand mal seizure, characterized by flaccid muscles and an altered level of consciousness.

5. What is a contusion? Slight bleeding into soft tissue as a result of a blow when the skin is not broken, bruise

6. What is the difference between a strain and sprain? Strain- overstretching or tearing of a muscle tendon

Sprain- overstretching or tearing of a ligament or joint capsule,

7. What is syncope? A transient state of unconsciousness during which the person collapses to the floor as a result of lack of oxygen to the brain, fainting.

8. What is cardiac output? The amount of blood that flows from each ventricle in one min.

9. What is stroke volume? The amount of blood pumped from each ventricle each time the heart beats.

10. Cardiac Output – Heart Rate x Stroke Volume

Protocol for Resistance Bands

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Protocol Using Bands

1A Squats

1B High Row

1C Punches

1D Single Leg Dead lifts


2A ABC’s

2B Reverse Lunge Row

2C Flys

2D Lunge Punch 1-2

Life Updates 11/30/09

Life Updates 11/30/09

It is the last day of the month of November, and then December yay, birthday is Friday and its time to party, I just hope everyone is safe and there is no needed drama. But yeah, 1 day back at NPTI in a while and it was awesome, Karl taught the class today and we went off what to do when you first meet potential clients. Damnit just found out I lost my daily log book, damnit I been updating at for the whole year, shit now I got to start over again. It was very detailed and had all the workout and food log I was writing down, hopefully I just misplaced it somewhere and I can find it soon. But this sucks a lot. Whoa lucky just found it, feeling better now that was scary. But yeah. Today at NPTI we went over program design and how to evaluate a new client and the assessments and activate of the client. It was very informative and yea I cannot wait to build up my client list. Till later

Sunday, November 29, 2009

ACE NOTES Series 5

1. What are the three progression stages defined by the ACSM.

a. Initial Conditioning stage

b. Improvement Stage

c. Maintenance Stage

2. What is insulin? A hormone secreted into the bloodstream by the pancreas that helps regulate carb. Metabolism

3. What is the best treatment for type 2 diabetes? Diet modification medication, and exercise therapy.

4. List some movements that clients diagnosed with low back pain should avoid? Unsupported forward flexion, twisting at the wrist with turned feet, lifting both legs at the same time in a prone supine position, rapid twisting, and forward flexion or hyper extending movements.

5. What are Kegel exercises? Exercises designed to gain control of and tone the pelvic floor muscles by controlled isometric contraction and relaxation of the muscles surrounding the vagina.

6. What is necessary to have before working with a client who has had CAD? A doctor’s note providing you with an upper limit heart rate as well as guidelines and limitations to physical activity.

7. What are the four stages of personal trainer and client relationship?

a. Rapport

b. Investigation

c. planning

d. Action

8. How do clients gather info thru their senses?

a. visual 60

b. auditory 20

c. kinesthetic 20

9. What type of tissue connects muscle to bone? Tendon bone

10. Name a type of tissue in the body that when injured, repairs itself with exactly the same type of tissue? Bone Tissue

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

ACE NOTES Series 4

Ace Notes Series 4

1. While running on a treadmill, your client says that RPE is 9 on the 1-10 Borg Scale, what would you suggest? Suggest slowly decreasing the speed on the treadmill to a walking pace and continuing movement until they return to a 5 on the Borg Scale.

2. Alternative walking for 5 minutes and then running for 5 minutes for a 25 minute period is considered what type of training? Aerobic interval training

3. What is Fartlek training? A form of training similar to interval training, except the work-rest intervals are not systematically measured, but instead are determined by how the participant feels, also known as speed play.

4. What is the talk test? A subjective method for measuring exercise intensity using observation of respiration effort and the ability to talk while exercising.

5. What is edema? Swelling as a result of the collection of fluid within the tissues.

6. Name some optimum benefits of cardio respiratory exercise?

a. decreased resting blood pressure

b. lowered resting heart rate

c. decreased anxiety

7. What is a MET? Metabolic equivalent, a unit used for quantifying physical actitvites. One MET is equal to the resting oxygen consumption, which is approximately 3.5 milliliters of oxygen per kilogram of body weight per minute.

8. What is the difference between relative and absolute exercise intensity? Relative refers to the energy required during exercise based on individual fitness levels, absolute refers to the actual rate of energy expended.

9. Define metabolism? The chemical and physiological processes in the body that provide energy for the maintenance of life.

10. What is the difference between muscular strength and muscular endurance?

Strength- The max. Force that a muscle can produce against resistance in a single max. effort

Endurance- Capacity of muscle to exert force repeat against a resistance, or to hold a fixed or static contraction over time.