Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Circuit Training DL215 (

Sup folks,
Back again to update the blog with another video/post. In this entry I included a video of one of my circuit workouts that I like to perform to improve my conditioning and in need of a kick ass workout. I love circuits because they combine a variety of different exercise into one workout and really gives you that full body workout that can change your body and increase your lean body mass to the extreme. Well the first exercise I am performing is the E-Z Bar Biceps Curl and the following is simple instruction on how to properly perform the exercise:

EZ Bar Curl- Starting Position: Stand with your back straight and your feet spaced shoulder width apart. Grab the barbell with an underhand grip that’s slightly wider than shoulder width apart.
Upward Phase: Exhale and slowly raise the bar by bending at your elbows. Make sure to stabilize you’re your torso and spine by contracting your gluteal muscles (butt), abs and spinal muscles.
Downward Phase: Slowly lower the bar back to the starting position.
Special Instructions: You can make this exercise more difficult by performing the movement with your back against a wall, preventing your shoulder blades from moving.

Well, folks thanks for checking in on the blog and PEEP for the TUBE AT:


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