Thursday, August 26, 2010

Foam Rolling

Sup folks,

What is up? Anything new? Well, I hope all is well. In this post I got a awesome video blog post that will help you with your fitness goals. In this video, I am performing some foam rolling to help with the knots that have been gathering within my body from years and years of neglected to stretch. Not a good idea by the way. Well for those who are unfamiliar with the benefits of foam rolling, here is a brief description to why everyone should include a foam rolling protocol into their daily workouts:

Benefits of Foam Rolling?

How Foam Rolling Works

Foam-rolling technique, called self-myofascial release (SMR), works similarly to massage therapy, only rather than a therapist applying manual pressure to your muscles, you apply your body weight to the foam roller. The idea is to seek out tender spots in your soft tissues, also known as knots or trigger points, and then roll your body over the foam roller to massage out the tight spots and relieve pain, pressure, and inflammation and also be done post-workout to help prevent sore muscles and is safe to do daily.

Well folks,
I really hope this helps you guys out and you find that adding a foam roll protocol into your workouts will add a great benefit to your program. Also, Peep out the TUBE at check out more videos and stay in with the blog to keep up with the posts, take care!!

Stability Ball Pushups/Core Rollouts

Sup folks,

You know what it is, back again this time I got everyone's favorite workout CORE Training, lol maybe now. But core training is the foundation of my workouts and of my clients. I like to activate the core as much as I can during my workouts and the protocols of my clients. Here are some of the benefits of CORE Training:

The benefits of core training

The significant benefits of core training follow through to whatever you are involved in, because the area around your trunk and pelvis is where your center of gravity is located. A strong core gives you:

• Better posture
• More control
• Improved, more powerful performance
• Injury prevention and rehabilitation
• Increased protection and "bracing" for your back
• A more stable center of gravity
• A more stable platform for sports movements

When you have good core stability, the muscles in your pelvis, lower back, hips and abdomen work in harmony. They provide support to your spine and help transmit increased power and performance for just about any activity.

A weak core makes you susceptible to lower back pain, poor posture and a whole host of muscle injuries. Strong core muscles provide the brace of support needed to help prevent such pain and injury -- and this discovery is why core training has become so popular among elite athletes.

SO as you can see folks, a strong core is a must in order to achieve functional and full body strength, so definitly check out the TUBE and incorporate some core exercise into your workout protocols.


DL215 One-Hand Sledgehammer Swings (

Sup folks,

You know who it is, DL aka your dynamic trainer back again with another video/blog post. What I got for you this time is some sledgehammer swings, and not with just 2 hands, I have been able to progress to a one handed sledgehammer swing. Practice has helped me out a great deal. Here some of the many benefits of sledgehammer training:

Benefits of Sledgehammer Training?
• Rotational Strength and Power
• Core strength
• Increased dynamic range of motion
• Coordination
• Learn to transmit force from the ground up through the arms (key quality in most sports)
• Enhanced work capacity
• Mental toughness
• Restoration
• Wrist and forearm strength
• Multi-planar movement patterns

Well, I hope this was helpful to you guys and that you are able to include a sledgehammer into your workout protocol and peep the TUBE at:

Pushups on a Honda

Sup folks,

Back again with another video post, this time I got a crazy video for you guys. Decline Pushups on my Honda. I was into the middle of my workout and I wanted to end the workout series with a bang so my crazy mind decided to jump on my Honda and perform some decline pushups. Don't worry Honda lovers, no hondas were harmed in the filming of this video, however I can't say the same for me. lol JK

Well, here is a brief description on how to properly perform a pushup. Take a look:

To perform a perfect standard pushup, lie on your stomach, flat on the ground.
Place your hands on the ground, with your palms facing the ground, with your thumbs touching the outside edge of your shoulders.
Point your feet towards the ground with the weight of your legs resting on the balls of your feet. T
o execute a perfect pushup, press downward with your hands, lifting your body upwards until your arms are fully extended.
Lower your chest/body back to the ground and repeat.
Keep your back straight when lifting your body.
Maintaining your posture and proper form will ensure that you do not do belly-flop pushups, and it will also prevent you from twisting up your lower back.

Standard pushups primarily work out the chest muscles:

Pectoralis Major (Sternal head). They provide a great secondary workout for the shoulders, triceps, and abdominal muscles.

Well, folks again thanks for the support and checking on the BLOG, and if you like this post, also check out the TUBE AT:

Burpees and Pull-Up Assessment (Danny)

Sup folks,
Back again this time with a throwback video from my time spent at the National Personal Trainer Institute aka NPTI. My time spent there were awesome and I really miss the workouts and classroom time there. It was a great school to learn about the many aspects of personal training and I would recommend that place to anyone who is interested into becoming a personal trainer.

Well, in this video I have a killer protocol of burpees into pullups which I performed during my many killer workouts at NPTI. Here is a summary on why pull-ups is a great exercise to add into your workout protocols:

Pull Ups - Pull ups are the best back exercise to develop your lats and strengthen your biceps. The only negative part of pull ups is they require you to have a low body weight or just be incredibly strong. The key with pull ups is to never give up. With the proper training and exercise program you will eventually be able to do them.

Also, peep the following paragraph into how to perform a proper pull-up:

Start: Position yourself under a pull up bar. You can have a stool or jump up to the bar. Your grip will largely determine the difficulty of the pull up.
Begin the Motion: Pull yourself up to the bar until your chin approaches or passes the bar. In order to get better at pull ups it is best to perform full range of motion so lower yourself under complete control all the way down and repeat.
As you become more advanced you can decrease the range of motion to make it truly one of the best back exercises and best lats exercise.

Well, folks thanks for checking into this post and if you are interested in NPTI contact me and I will give you information on how to enroll into the program, also peep out the TUBE at:

Summer Circuit Series Exercise 15 (Bulgarian Bag Upright Rows) www.youtu...

Sup folks,

Back again this time I got some upright row on the Bulgarian bag. Instead of the traditional upright rows on a barbell or plate, I am using a thick handled Bulgarian bag which will help me with some added forearm strength. Why not buck out 2 things at for the price of one exercise. Well here is a brief description on how to perform a proper upright row:

Upright Row-
Step 1• Put your feet shoulder width apart.
Step 2- Bend slightly at the knees and point your toes forward.

• Step 3
Pick up the barbell with an overhand grip. Your hands need to be 8 inches apart. Rest the barbell against your side.
• Step 4
Inhale deeply and hold your breath. Pull your deltoid and upper back muscles in order to lift the barbell straight up. This concentrates the exercise on your shoulders.
• Step 5
Keep your elbows out and back. Your body must be upright with your hands as close to your body as possible.
• Step 6
Relax your muscles slightly and slowly lower your barbell when you reach the upper-most position under your chin. Exhale as you do this

Well, folks thanks for tuning in and hope you enjoy this video blog post and peep out the TUBE at:

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Drake Summer Circuit Exercise 18 (Bent-Over Rows)

Sup folks,
Back again. Hope you didn't miss me too much, Jk but yeah back with another video/post/entry and this time we going attack the Back. One of the best way to target the back muscles is to perform Barbell Bent-Over Rows. A killer exercise that will definite get you tired and hit all the muscles of the back. Here are some instructions on how to properly perform a Bent-Over Row:

Bent-Over Row- S tarting Position: Grab the barbell with an overhand grip with your hands spaced slightly wider than shoulder width. Spread your feet shoulder width apart and bend your knees slightly. Lean forward at the waist at about a 45° angle making sure to keep your back straight the entire time. The bar should be positioned just above the knee.
Upward Phase: Exhale and pull the bar up to the lower portion of your chest, making sure to keep your core muscles contracted (in order to stabilize your spine).
Downward Phase: Allow the bar to move back to the starting position in a slow and controlled manner.

Well, folks I hope you enjoyed the post and stay in tuned for more videos on the TUBE at:

Summer Circuit Exercise 17 (Burpee/Deadlift Combo)

Sup folks,
Back again this time I got a new video/post/blog entry for you folks. In this entry I have a great exercise combination that I like to incorporate to challenge myself and get my heart rate up and blasting. Well the following is the proper steps to perform a correct deadlift:

Deadlift -
Start: Take a slightly wider than shoulder width stance. Grip the barbell with either a overhand or alternating grip. When you set up for the dead lift, you can lean back until your butt is pretty low.
It is crucially important for the entire motion to keep your back flat, never let your shoulders fall forward. Do not bend your arms the entire motion.
It is very important to stabilize your core and support your lower back to take a deep breath and hold it until the weight is pulled all the way up.
Begin the motion: Keep your core tightly drawn in for the duration of the dead lift. Drive up with your chest. Pull the weight straight up. Make sure to keep it as close to your body as you can. At the top of the motion you must contract your glutes (squeeze your butt) and retract your shoulders. Lower the weight all way back to the floor.
Remember, the dead lift is the act of lifting the weight off the floor. Every repetition make sure to lower the weight all the way to the floor.

So folks, remember to take your time before attempting to deadlift a heavy weight and practice practice your form. Well, folks thanks for checking and check out the TUBE at:

Summer Circuit Exercise 17 (Burpee/Deadlift Combo)

Circuit Training DL215 (

Sup folks,
Back again to update the blog with another video/post. In this entry I included a video of one of my circuit workouts that I like to perform to improve my conditioning and in need of a kick ass workout. I love circuits because they combine a variety of different exercise into one workout and really gives you that full body workout that can change your body and increase your lean body mass to the extreme. Well the first exercise I am performing is the E-Z Bar Biceps Curl and the following is simple instruction on how to properly perform the exercise:

EZ Bar Curl- Starting Position: Stand with your back straight and your feet spaced shoulder width apart. Grab the barbell with an underhand grip that’s slightly wider than shoulder width apart.
Upward Phase: Exhale and slowly raise the bar by bending at your elbows. Make sure to stabilize you’re your torso and spine by contracting your gluteal muscles (butt), abs and spinal muscles.
Downward Phase: Slowly lower the bar back to the starting position.
Special Instructions: You can make this exercise more difficult by performing the movement with your back against a wall, preventing your shoulder blades from moving.

Well, folks thanks for checking in on the blog and PEEP for the TUBE AT:


Circuit Training DL215 (

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Shoulder Blast

Sup folks, back again this time I am performing a shoulder blast circuit. In this circuit the shoulder exercises that I am using are lateral and frontal raises. This is a rather difficult circuit because I am strictly targeting my shoulder in this video particularly from front and middle delts.

Here are some pointers to check out for when performing lateral and front raises:

Lateral/Front Raise Start: Grab a pair of dumbbells and hold them at your hips with your arms relaxed. Make sure you stand with optimal posture meaning your glutes are contracted and your core is drawn in.

Begin the motion: Keep your arms either completely straight or preferably slightly bent. Take a deep breath and lift the weights outwards to a position directly in front of your shoulders.

The dumbbells should come together at the end. Pause for a split second and slowly lower them to the original position.

Well, thanks for watching and enjoy reading and watching the video/post. ALso, peep the TUBE at:

Red Trunks = New Videos Part 5 (Valslide Mountain Climbers)

Sup folks, back again this time I am performing some mountain climbers. Awesome workout that should be included into your circuits and are great for conditioning, try doing 50 of these in a row and I promise you, you will get your heart rate up and running.

Here is how to properly perform some Mountain Climbers:

Mountain climbers are done by starting in a pushup position and then shuffling your feet in and out so that your knees are moving in under your chest and then back out to starting position.
It sort of resembles climbing a mountain but flat on the floor. If you want an advanced version, you can also shuffle your hands 8-10 inches forward and backward in addition to the leg movements. This really makes it a full body exercise and MUCH more difficult than standard.

Also Peep the TUBE AT:

Red Trunks = New Videos Part 1 (Switching Planks)

Sup folks, back again this time with another video/blog post. In this entry I am performing a variation of one of the most effective yet simple exercise that everyone should do. It is the plank.

Since, the plank is a isolation exercise I decided that instead of bore ing viewers with just me holding a one minute plank, I decided to make it more interesting my making it dynamic and making it into a switching planks without tapping BOB. Here is a brief description of what the plank is and how to perform proper planks:

The plank is the most fundamental core exercise. It is the basis of many progressions to challenge and develop your core to its full potential.

Start: Lie flat on your stomach. Place your elbows and forearms on the floor. Your elbows should be aligned right below your shoulders.
Begin the motion: Lift your hips up so your body is parallel with the floor. Your forearms to fists and the balls of your feet should be the only body parts touching the ground.
It is very important to not arch your back ever during the plank. Always make sure you feel the muscles in your abdominal area doing the work.
You should have your core drawn in tight and your glutes tightly contracted. If your form breaks down, stop, rest, and repeat.

Well, folks thanks for tuning in. Peep out the TUBE at:

Resistance Band Circuit

Sup folks, back again this time I got another video for you guys to view and a post to read. In this video/post I am performing a resistance band protocol in which I combine a variety of exercise into one circuit.

Here are some of the many benefits in using resistance bands into your workouts:

Resistance Training Anywhere

Perhaps the biggest benefit of resistance band exercises is the ability to take your workout on the road. Since the bands take up very little space, you can pack them (even in your carry-on) while you travel for work or vacation.
As a personal trainer they provide a valuable tool for mobile training if the sessions are done away from the gym as resistance tube exercises can be performed on the beach and even under water!

You can use Resistance Bands to achieve a Variety of Health and Fitness Goals

Resistance band exercises are simply another form of weight (resistance) training which can you build strength, muscular endurance and help tone your body.
If you think there are only a few resistance band exercises you have sadly mistaken as you can create exercises on the fly or simply add on to exercises existing in your workout program.

Resistance Bands can Provide very Heavy and Light Resistance

You can add multiple bands or tubes together to increase the resistance and this ability is virtually limitless. You can create enough resistance with bands and tubes to even support your body weight for total body exercises.
You can also find special resistance tubes which allow you to connect resistance bands to sturdy handles which make the number of resistance band exercises you can do go up because the resistance is enough to support your body weight.

Well, folks this is a long post but I feel that I had to include the many benefits of resistance bands and they should be included into all your workout protocol.

Also check out the TUBE at:

Thick Handle Bulgarian Bag Biceps Curls

Sup folks back again. Man oh man I had a post nice and written out and then boom the internet goes out. Don't you just hate that. Argh..
All that work gone, but yeah excuse me for this little rant, I really hope the post doesn't go away again. That would suck. But yeah I was talking about why I love using Bulgarian bags into my workout and here is one of the main benefit to why the Bulgarian bag can be a effective fat loss and condition tool:

Burlgarian Bag - The Bag strengthens and increases your muscular endurance of your grip, wrists, arms, shoulders, back, legs, rotational muscles, core musculature, coordination, proprioception and overall shoulder and joint mobility.

Well, thanks for watching and reading. ALso if you have a chance check out the TUBE at:

Boot Camp Circuit #3 (Landmine Twists)

Sup folk, back again this time my post will be myself demonstrating exercises using a great tool that I begun to utilize called the LANDMINE. I love the landmine because of its ability to activate your core and mimic functional movements while performing strength exercises. Here is a brief description of why using the landmine is a great tool for fat loss and reaching your fit goals:

Landmine- The Landmine is a great exercise because it trains the core and abs in a standing position, which is the most functional for daily activity and performance. The core is needed to stabilize the spine during activities such as running, playing golf, or skiing. This function alone is paramount to avoid injury and be successful at your sport or simply feel better. While at first, this exercise will get you stares from others in the gym, but when you begin to "feel" the core and reap the benefits of a stronger mid-section and improved strength, you will want MORE people to stare!

Well, thanks for visiting my blog and checking out this post and video. If you have a chance check out the TUBE at:

Boot Camp Circuit #4 (Kettlebell Swings)

Sup folks, back again this time with some kettlebell swings. In this video I am performing one of my all time favorite exercise the kettlebell swing. I got introduced to the swing during my time at NPTI and have been incorporating them into my workouts. Here is one of the reason why I love kettlebell workouts:

Kettlebells increase your metabolism by creating dense muscle mass. The fat loss power of kettlebells is explained by the extremely high metabolic cost of throwing the weight around combined with the fat burning effect of the growth hormone stimulated by such exercises.

Thanks for reading this post and watching the video, also peep the TUBE at:

Friday, August 20, 2010

Tr-Sexy Rows

Sup folks, back again this time with some TRX, I mean TR-SExy Rows. I love the TRX it adds such a new dimension from traditional workouts and the best part is that it works the core in every exercise. What can beat that? Seriously people start incorporate the TRX into your daily workouts and you will experience a new level of fitness and strength. Here are some of the additional benefits of the TRX suspension training:

TRX- Benefits of Suspension Training

• Total body strength
• Superior core conditioning
• Outperforms bands, balls and weight machines
• Hundreds of exercises for the entire body
• Adjusts instantly for all fitness levels
• Easy setup and portable, great for traveling

Well, folks thanks for reading, take care and Peep out the TUBE at:

Red Trunks = New Videos Part 6 (Medicine Ball Slams)

Sup folks, back again this time with some Medicine Ball Slams. I love medicine balls workouts because they are a break from the traditional bodybuilding workouts and help you work on power and core strength. Plus, who doesnt want to just pick up something and slams it down as hard as you can into concrete floor. Here are additional benefits to medicine ball workouts:

Benefits of exercises with medicine balls

There are many benefits to exercising with medicine balls that are difficult to achieve with other workouts:

* Ditch the jumping jacks every once in awhile & do a medicine ball routine for a great warm-up activity.

* Medicine ball training targets your core. It really works the abs & back. Having strong, supple ab & back muscles increase performance in many activities but it also helps avert injury. Persons who practice yoga also maintain that working the abs & back with motions that are fluid also improve the tone & function of internal organs.

* Medicine ball training is one of the best ways to strengthen the muscles around your key joints, critical areas involving the shoulder, elbow, knee and ankle areas. Many aerobic & strengthening workouts do not involve those areas. This too can help to avert injury & possibly arthritic conditions.

* Medicine ball fitness can include cardiovascular training. Movements would have to be fairly repetitive & last for at least 20 minutes. Of course you could easily modify your medicine ball exercise to do an interval routine that is also good cardiovascular training.

* Exercises with medicine balls are good for developing upper and lower body fitness. Add the core also & you have a piece of equipment that could exercise the entire body including the innards!

* Medicine ball routines blend physical skills, like strength, coordination, balance, accuracy, and flexibility.

* Medicine balls prepare your body for realistic motions. This is essentially what is meant by functional fitness. They are the kinds of movements that you might do in real life situations.

* Medicine ball training is good for rehab (check with your doctor or therapist first). There are many exercises that could be adapted for back & arthritis sufferers & for getting back into shape after some injury.

* Medicine ball exercises are good for all ages, fitness levels, sizes. You can have a fitness ball exercise class that includes all family members.

So folks, hope you enjoy the post and video, take care and peep the TUBE at:

Valslide Ab Rollouts

Sup folks, back again this time with some Valslide Roll-outs targeting my core. I love this particular exercise because it is a break from the tradition abs workouts of crunches and sit-ups but give you a better workouts. Anyone looking to increase the intensity of their workouts should include valslides into their workouts and since it is cheap and effective there should be no excuse into why they are not incorporate these great tools. ALso here are additional benefits of valslides:

The Valslide is a pair discs that provide an unstable training surface that allows you to simulate many slideboard exercises.


· Turns carpet, tile and linoleum floors into an unstable training surface.

· Lightweight and portable.


· Use them to target multiple body parts such as your legs, inner thighs, and butt all at the same time. Use them to stretch and tone your shoulders, chest and back.

Well, folks thanks for the support, greatly appericated and peep up the TUBE at:

Farmer's Walk

Sup folks, back again this time with some Farmer's Walk. This is the main reason why I love farmers' walks:

There is NOTHING that this exercise doesn’t do. Besides a killer conditioner, farmers carries or farmers walks trains the arms, legs, core, shoulders, neck, grip, eye lids, eye brows and ear lobes and every other muscle in your body you didn’t even know existed!
What makes this exercise even more incredible is that anyone can do it, anywhere, with little or no equipment. Just grab something heavy, pick it up and start walking.

Give it a try, it's a awesome workout. Well, till next time take care and peep the TUBE at:

Boot Camp Circuit #4 (Kettlebell Swings)

Sup folks, back again this time with some Kettlebell Swings.

Kettlebells are great for working multiple muscle groups simultaneously—particularly the core

I like to perform a kettle bell based workout once a week and I believe that adding kettle bells into my workout program has improved my core and overall functional strength.

So to everyone out there reading this, grab some kettlebells and start incorporating them into your workout, you won't regret it!

Also, peep out the TUBE when you get a chance at:

Summer Circuit Exercise 10 (Tire Pulls)

Sup folks, back again this time with some Tire Dragging. Here are some of the reasons why I love using Tire Pulls into my workouts:

First, upright forward sled dragging is a great posterior chain builder. Nothing gets those lazy glutes into tiptop shape like sled drags.

Second, back wards sled drags does for the quads what forward dragging does for the glutes... fries em!

Third, when done for distances greater than 50 yards or with short rest intervals this is one of the absolute best work capacity / conditioning exercises.

Finally, because your legs are always moving in a concentric fashion there is minimal soreness associated with doing this exercise. You can drag today and max effort squat tomorrow.

Well, folks thanks for visiting my blog and hope you enjoyed the video, also peep the TUBE at:

Thursday, August 19, 2010

SLDL Stiff Leg Dead Lift

Sup folks, back again this time with some SLDL aka Stiff Leg Dead Lifts. These deadlifts are a killer workout for the butt and hamstrings, they kick my ass the next day and keep me sore for days and days and sometimes weeks, yeah they are that awesome. Well awesome for me, painful for my clients. lol

The following is a brief description of the benefits and how to perform a SLDL also known as a Romanian Dead Lift:

The RDL or Romanian Dead Lift is one of the best legs and butt exercises. Out of all the best leg exercises it is the best hamstring exercise because it is a functional, mutli-joint movement. Many women claim that the RDL really helps reduce cellulite and tighten up the backside.

The RDL is an advanced movement which takes proper instruction and practice to master.

Start: You can either have a loaded barbell or dumbbells on the floor or in a low hang position. Keep your legs in a slightly bent position for the duration of the movement. It is essential to have your shoulders stabilized in a retracted (together in back) position for the duration of the movement as well.

Begin the motion: It is essential to have a super tight drawn in core as you begin this motion. Stick your butt backwards lowering the bar or dumbbells as close too your body as possible. Only lower the bar to where you can keep the strict form. Raise the weight back up, at the top of the motion it is very important you retract your shoulder blades (squeeze them together) and contract your glutes.

Well, thanks for reading and watching. Peep the other videos at:

DL215 LandMine High Row (

Sup folks, back again this time with some high rows performed on a landmine. The landmine is a great tool to condition your body for power, speed, and strength.

The following is a better description on why the landmine is such a great exercise tool:
The Landmine is a great exercise because it trains the core and abs in a standing position, which is the most functional for daily activity and performance. The core is needed to stabilize the spine during activities such as running, playing golf, or skiing. This function alone is paramount to avoid injury and be successful at your sport or simply feel better. While at first, this exercise will get you stares from others in the gym, but when you begin to "feel" the core and reap the benefits of a stronger mid-section and improved strength, you will want MORE people to stare!

Also, keep up with the youtube at:

Summer Circuit Exercise 2 (Tornado Ball Windmills)

Sup folks,

Back again this time I got another video/post of one of my exercise in the summer circuit, in this video I am using a tornado ball and performing windmills.
I love this ball and here are some of the benefits associated with using a tornado ball into your workouts:

Tornado Ball

• Train at virtually any speed from slow to explosively fast

• Improve core and extremity stability and strength

• Develop force in any direction or combination of directions

• Develop movement skill and coordination

• Enhance agility and quickness

• Achieve full concentric force development

• Develop eccentric to concentric force transfer—applicable to most sports.

Well, thanks for tuning it, watch out for more posts/videos and peep the TUBE at: