Wednesday, December 2, 2009

KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) Fitness Tips 28

1. The bend on the ex curl bar will allow you to rotate the palms slightly inward, thus placing less stress on the small wrist ligaments.
2. 50 percent of a curl’s effectiveness is the negative or lowering phase. Lower the bar in a slow and controlled manner.
3. When you bench press, pause at the bottom.
4. Chin ups are one of the best exercises for adding width to the back giving you that V-shape Look.
5. Dips are a great exercise to pack on mass on the chest, shoulder, and triceps.
6. A beginner’s guide to supplements should include: Whey protein, No2, CLA, and Creatine.
7. Eggs should be in everyone’s diet. Enough said.
8. One of the best treatments for tendonitis is to alternative ice for one minute with heat for five to 7 minutes twice a day.
9. Need to add more fiber to your diet, replace white foods with brown foods, simple like that.
10. HIRE DANNY LAM AS YOUR PERSONAL TRAINER AND FITNESS COACH…. Remember the first workout is free. if you like it GREAT. it will be a start of a good relationship, if not it’s ok you still got a free workout. so just talk to me, try out a free session and we can go from there, and BTW check out the training videos on my Facebook to see the variety and types of workouts I create for my clients.

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