Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Functional Test (Deep Squat)

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Functional Movement Screen and Scoring Sheet

Deep Squat.-

Look for Upper torso to be parallel with tibia or toward vertical. Femur below horizontal, knees aligned over feet and dowel aligned over feet This is a 3

Look for everything above but this time the client is allowed on a 2X4. This is a 2.

Tibia and upper torso are not parallel, femur not below horizontal, knees are not aligned over feet, lumbar flexion noted This is a 1.

The following exercises are used to improve the squat:

1. Median rotators on the wall- Sacrum on the wall, adduction while staying in contact with the wall. If your client must maintain contact with the wall.

2. Also can use modified quadapeck rock with a lats stretch on a fizio ball.

3. Prisioner Stretch

4. Erector Spinae Activation- Holding a weight straight out in front of you while you perform a squat.

5. Squat with Bands Overhead- Perform a squat while holding bands over your head.

6. Hip Flexors Thomas Test- Have the client lay on a table with the knees off the table, the client then lift up his knee and they hold it against their chest, watch to see if their his space between his leg and the table.

7. Hip Adduction Test- Have the client lay on table on his side, now tell the client to rotation their leg past hyperextension, and now u see if the leg stays there, and you can also put pressure down on the leg.

8. Calm hip adduction test- Move the client into a clam position and you push his leg up while u try to keep it down.

9. Hamstrings Test- Use the Active Straight Leg Test, Measure between the middle of the patella and the ASIS.

10. Dorisflex Angle Test- Stacked feet two inches from the wall, now try to get your knee to touch the wall while keeping the leg straight.

11. Toe Touch Squats- Put ands on the board, bend over at the waist, get down into the squat position and push hand up by bringing your body back, and then follow up and push up brining back to recruit the exrector spinae.

12. Toe Touch Squats with the squat reach- Same position as above but this time you back with either the L or R arm or both and then you lift yourself up.

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