Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Body Actions Database 2

Hip extension


1. Hip extension

2. Hip extension with a shuffle board

3. Hip extension on a foam roller on 1 leg

4. Weighted Hip extension

5. Birddog


6. Stiff Leg Dead lift

7. Single Stiff Leg Dead lift

8. Kettle bell swings

9. Single Leg Stiff leg dead lift with a cable Machines

10. Single Leg Stiff Leg Dead lift with shoulder extended overhead.

Hip and Knee Extension

1. Wall Squat with a Fizo Ball

2. Turkish Get up

3. Overhead Squat

4. Box Jumps

5. Hip Adduction

6. Cross Over’s

7. Deadlift

8. Lunges

9. Leg Press

10. Front Squat

8. Z machine dead lift

Shoulder Extension

1. Bench Press

2. Incline

3. Decline

4. Flys

5. Dumbbell

6. Band Punches

7. Ring Push ups

8. Barry’s Circuit Roll over Push ups

9. Push up on a ball

10. Decline Flys

Back Exercises Shoulder extension

1. Dumbbell Row

2. Shoulder extension

3. Pull-ups

4. Bent over Row

5. Lat Pull down

6. T-bar Row

Triceps Extension Elbow extension

1. Skull crushers

2. Overhead Triceps Extension

3. Kickbacks

4. Drag Skull crushers

5. Rope Pull downs

6. Straight Bar Pull downs

7. Manual Pull downs

8. Overhead Rope Triceps Extension

9. V-grip Pushdown

10. Machines Triceps Extension

Knee Flexion

1. Leg Curl

2. Single Leg Curl

3. Falls

4. Kicks

5. Squats

6. Lunges

7. Supine Jackknifes

8. Prone Leg Curl

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