Tuesday, December 22, 2009

ACE NOTES Series 14

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1. Based on biomeachhanical principles what adjustements can you make to progress an exercise and avoid overload?

Change the body position so that the client is working against gravity. Use different types of muscle contraction in the same muscle group, increase the length of the lever arm to increase resistance,, add addititional external resistance.

2. Lifting the medial border of your gfoot?


3. Name the longest muscle in the human body?


4. What are the charactersistics of slow twitch and fast twitch fibers?

Slow- A type 1 dark muscle fiber, slow speed of contraction and high capacity for aerobic glycolysis (runner)

Fast – Type II white muscle fiber fast speed of contraction and high capacity for anaerobic glycollysys (50 yard Dash)

5. What is hemoglobin?

The protein molecule in red blood cells adapted to carry oxygen molecules.

6. What is a golgi tendon organ?

A sensory organ within a tendon that, when stimulated causes an inhibition of the entire group to protet against too much force or excessive load.

7. What is cardic output? What is stroke volume?

Cardiac Output – the amount of blood that flows from each ventricle in one minute. Same from left and right ventricles.

Stroke Volume – Amount of blood pumped from each ventricle each time the heart beats.

Cardiac Output = heart rate x stroke volume.

8.. What is vo2 max?

Volume of oxygen consumed , max aerobic capacity is the highest volume of oxygen a person can consume during exercise.

9. Define ischemia?

Decreased blood flow, which can lead to an insufficient oxygen supply to the heart muscle, during rest of exercise.

10. What is creatine phosphate na dhte creatine phosphate system?

CP – A high energy phosphate molecule that is stored in cells and can be used to resynthsize ATP .

CP System – system of chemical transfer of energy for resynthesis of ATP supplied rapuldy and without oxygen from the breakdown of creatine phosphate.
ATP-CP system.

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