Saturday, December 19, 2009

ACE NOTES Series 9

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1. Name the six major classes of nutrients?

Proteins, Carbs, Fat, Vitamins, Minerals, Water

2. What are essential amino acids?

Certain compounds that must be in the diet because they cannot be manufactured by the body, there are 8 essential amino acids of the 20 different amino acids needed to make proteins.

3. List the percentages of recommended nutrients?

Protein: 12-20%, Carbs 55-65%, Fat 25-30%

Vitamins and minerals: specific amounts listed in RDA

Water: 203 quarts/day

4. How many calories are there in 1 gram of carbs, fat and protein, and alcohol?

5. What is nutrient density?

Nutrient-dense foods provide more nutrients at a low caloric cost.

6. What are some risk factors for heart disease?

High Blood Pressure (SBP> 140 mmHG or DBP> 90 mmHg, smoking, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, diabetes, impaired fasting glucose, history of heart disease before the age of 55 in fafther or 65 in mother, elevated total cholesterol.

7. What are antioxidants?

Compounds that preserve and protect other compounds in the body from free radical damage. Free radicals cause damage to tissues and create health problems. They have been linked to development of cancer, atherosclerosis, cataracts, and the aging proces8. What are phytochemicals?

Non-nutrient plant chemicals that contain protective, disesase preventing compounds. It appears that they may reduce the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease.

9. How do minerals help the body?

Help to build tissues, regulate muscles contractions and bodily fluids, conduct nerve impulses, and regulate heart rhythm.

10. How many milligrams of iron are needed per day ad why is iron needed?

18mg/day for women and 8mg/day for men. Iron is critical for the formation of hemoglobin which carries oxygen within the red blood cells.

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