1. What is dyspnea?
Shortness of breath, resulting in difficult or labored breathing.
2. What four components are measured in a comprehensive assessment?
Cardiorespiratory efficient, Muscular strength and endurance, muscle and joint flexibity, and body composition
3. What does ACSM recommened before allowing a client to participate in vigorous exercise?
Recommends that men over 45 and women over 55 with 2 or more positive cardiovasculat risk factors have a physician supervised max. greaded exercise test taking part in a vigorous exercise.
4. What is the health significance of the waist circumference measurement?
Waist circumference is a reliable and easily measured indicator of abs obesity. Abs Obesity is known to increase health risk, waist circumferences of >40 inchees in men and > 35 inches in women are considered strong indicators of abs obesity.
5. What is heart rate max. reserve?
The result of subtracting the resting heart rate from the max heart rate, represents the working heart rate range between rest and max heart rate within which all activity occurs.
6. What is informed consent?
Voluntary acknowledgment of the purpose, procedures and specific risks of an activity in which one intends to engage.
7. What is a GXT?
Graded exercise test, A progressive exercise test that measures max. aerobic capacity,
8. How long should you wait before administering follow up exercise tests on your clients?
The frequency of the follow up testing depends on the guality and guantity of the exercise training. The first follow up tests will usually be administered 4-12 weeks following the onset of exercise training.
9. What do the systolic and diastolic numbers for blood pressure represent?
The upper number systolic represents the pressure created by the heart as it pumps bloodto the body. This is the max pressure created by the heart during a complete cardiac cycle.
The lower number diastolic represents the pressure that remains in the arteries during the falling phase of the cardiac cycle, when the heart relaxes.
10. How is cardiorespiratory fitness assessed?
It can be assessed directly by measurement of oxygen uptake during a max graded exercise test or indirectly by estimating max oxygen uptake Vo 2 max, from the heart rate response to a submax. Workload.
11. What is BMI?
Body mass index = Weight divided by height squared
12. What are the 4 most common methods of assessing body composition?
Hydrostatic weighting, circumference measurements, bioelectric impegdance, skinfold measurements.
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