Olympic weight lifting consists of two lifts. The two hand Snatch and the two hand Clean & Jerk. The Snatch is an overhead lift consisting of lifting the barbell from the floor to overhead in one motion, and the Clean & Jerk is done by lifting the barbell from the floor in two stages. The first stage is from the floor to the shoulders, called the clean, and then second stage is overhead in a split or lunge position.
Using Olympic exercises in your bodybuilding training creates tremendous physique development. Here are just a few of the advantages derived from Olympic lifts. Coordination, balance, concentration, flexibility, speed development, and most importantly, for bodybuilders, great upper body thickness! That's right amigo's, I said "thick". If you want a thick upper back, and wide shoulders that will envy even Ronnie Coleman, then these exercises should be added into your bodybuilding regimen.
The four lifts described below are Olympic auxiliary lifts. These lifts usually start slowly and finish fast and dynamically. These lifts should be performed under control. So keep the bar off your thighs with no wild, jerking, or bouncing motions.
Snatch High Pull
Start position: Place the barbell on the floor, then place your feet under the bar. Bend over and grab the bar, both hands about 6-8 inches wider then your shoulders with an over hand grip. Now flatten your back, chest out, head up with eyes looking straight ahead. Lock your arms. Your hips should be higher than your knees but lower then your shoulders.
Finish position: Start to squeeze the bar off the floor, make sure to keep the hips higher than the knees and lower than the shoulders and back flat while moving the bar. As the bar gets above the knees start accelerating the bar speed, and as it gets closer to your upper thigh, explode with as much force as you can pulling the bar up to your rib cage, extending up on your toes and at the same time shrugging your shoulders. Recover and repeat.
Clean High Pull
Start and finish position: Same as the above. The only difference is hand placement on the bar. Bend over and grab the bar in an over-hand grip wider than shoulder width--almost to the end of the bar.
Push Press
Start and finish position: Stand erect, grab the bar slightly wider than your shoulders with the bar resting on your shoulders and clavicles. Begin by bending your knees. Now, very quickly, drive your legs up, pushing the bar off your shoulders with your arms and your leg drive. The bar should be directly over your head. Try these three words to help you, DIP. DRIVE. PUSH.
Jerk or Split Jerk
Start and finish position: Grab the bar slightly wider than shoulder width and rest the bar on your shoulders and clavicles. Bend your knees and drive your legs pushing the bar up with your arms. This will explode you up on your toes. As the bar passes your head one leg goes forward, the other leg goes back immediately into a lunge. As your feet hit the ground your arms lockout the weight over head. To recover, push back with your front foot and step up with the back foot with the bar still overhead. Then lower the bar to the shoulders. Remember, the first initial dip of the legs is done slowly, and then the splitting with the legs is done extremely fast.
Make it Routine
Implement this routine on non-consecutive days--once every ten to fourteen days adding weight when needed.
Day 1
| Day 2
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