Practical Day For 01/05/10
Supine Hip Extension-
1. Weighted with a dumbbell on 1 side of the hip.
2. Also can put a barbell on both of the hips ad perform action.
3. Can also attempt on a fizio Ball
4. 2 Legs
5. 1 Legs
6. ! Leg on the ball and Lift
Jackknife Hip Extension
1. 1 Leg
2. Alternative on Fizio Ball and Bozo Ball
Back Extension (Position Lower then Hip Level)
1. Leg (Single Leg to create a greater resistance)
2. Weighted with a plate across the chest
3. Same movement but with plates and at the end elevate shoulder and upper body extension
If the client has tight Hip Flexors:
Use the Thomas Test- Hamstrings do not touch the table
Leg/Hip Extension on parallel rings and horizontal rows up at the same time.
Dead Lift
1. Lean over, chest high, hips pushing back.
1. Stiff Leg Dead Lifts
2. Partial DeadLifts
3. Single Leg Deadlifts
4. Over/under Rope Swings
1. Keep Abs tights
2. 2 Inches from wall and squat
3. Break Parallel
4. Wiggle toes at the bottom
5. 1st improve with the weight plates on the heels.
6. The deeper you go the better you hit the glutes
7. If the ank;es are externally during the movement it shows that the calves are tight, and you should perform the 2 inches test where you instruct the client to to keep a 2 inch gap between themselves and the wall and push the knee towards the wall.
8. If the client moves into valsgus, meaning the knee keeps coming in together, there is a weakeness in the hips, and abductors are not doing their job, therefore you must put a band around the kness and have them push out.
9. Also try resistance hurdles.
10. IF there is shoulder tightness, have the client perform a pull down on the wall and do not let the arm flare forward.
How to Cue a squat?
1. Keep Chest high
2. Glutes go back
3. Flex foot (squash toes in the foot)
4. Pull Yourself, don’t just let it down
5. Core Tight
6. Look Horizontal straight Ahead.
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