Saturday, January 30, 2010

Muscle Building Diet

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What Foods Should be Included in Muscle Building Diets ?


Complex carbohydrates are the most important nutrient to include in any active person's diet. Complex has to do with the organic chemistry structure. To keep it simple, you can think of complex carbohydrates as starches.

Complex carbohydrates are broken down more slowly over time when compared to simple sugars. This is why they are better to include in your diet along with the fact they contain more fiber and B-Vitamins.

Each gram of carbohydrate is worth 4 calories. The rate of which your dietary carbohydrates is broken down varies.

Good Sources of Carbohydrate to Include in Muscle Building Diets Include

Oats | Sweet Potatoes Squash | Yams | Beans | Legumes | Whole Grain Rice | Whole Grain Bread | Pasts


Protein is what your muscles are made of. When you ingest protein it is broken down into it's 20+ amino acids. During anabolic muscle building diets you hope your body takes the amino acids to repair and build new protein (muscle) with them.

Each gram of protein is worth 4 calories. Proteins are broken down in your stomach slowly. Protein takes longer to break down than carbohydrates. During the digestion of protein, your body expends more energy than other nutrients.

Good Sources of Proteins to Include in Your Muscle Building Diet Include

Lean Red Meat | Egg Whites | Whey Protein | Cottage Cheese | Fish | Chicken | Turkey | Lean Pork | Nuts | Seeds


Fats are very important for any muscle building diet. Fats serve many metabolic functions including the formation of some hormones.

Fat also plays a role in providing satiety for meals. When you eat fat, it fills your stomach because it is digested in the small intestine. Eating fat with meals slows down your digestion which can be good for some people with an extremely fast metabolism.

Each gram of fat has twice the calories than that of protein or carbohydrates. Fat can be burned for energy but is easily stored by the body as body fat.

The Best Dietary Sources of Fats for Muscle Building Diets Include

Walnuts | Almonds | Salmon | Flax Seeds | Medium Chain Triglycerides

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