Saturday, January 30, 2010

Exam FlashCards for Lower Body

Lateral (External) Rotators of the hip ------ piriformis. gemellus superior, obturator internus, obturator externus, guadratus femoris, glute max sartorius
medial (internal) Rotators of the hip ------ glute medius, glute mininmus, tensor fasciae latae, adductor magus
Extensors of the hip ------ GLute Max, biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosous, adductor magnusÂ
flexors of the hip ------ pasoas major and illascus, pectineus, tensor fasciase latae, adductor brevis, adductor longus, adductor magnus, rectus femoris, sartorius
Abductors of the hip ------ glute medius, glute minimus, tensor fasciase latae, sartorius
adductors of the hip ------ adductor brevius, adductor longus, adductor magnus, gracillis, pectineus
Lateral (external) rotator of the knee ------ bicceps femoris
medial (internal) Rotators of the knee ------ semitendinousous, semimembranosus, popliteus, gracilis, sartorius
extensors of the knee ------ vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius, vastus medialis, rectus femoris, tensor fascia latae
flexors of the knee ------ biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus, sartorius, gracillis, gastrocenemius, plantaris, poplilteus
Glute Max insertion ------ glute tuberosity of femur illotibial tract(which continues to attach to lateral condyle or tibia)
Glute Medius Intertion ------ Greater trochanter of femur
Gluteus Minmus Intsertion ------ Anterior surface of greater trcochanter of femur
Tensor Fasciae Latae insertion ------ illiotibial tract (which continues to attach to the lateral condyle of the tibia
sartorius intsertion ------ upper medial shaft of tibia
Sartor ------ latin word for tailor, sartor, to indicate its action of briniging the leg into a cross legged siting position
quads ------ rectus femoris, vastus intermedius, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis
Rectus Femoris Insertion ------ patella, tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament
Vastus medialis, lateralis, intermedius ------ patella, tibial tuberosity via patellae ligament
Pectineus ------ between lessor trochnater and linea aspera of posterior femur
Adductor longus and brevis ------ linea aspera on posterior femur
adductor magnus ------ linea aspera of femur , and adductor tubercle of femurÂ
Hamstrings  ------ biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus, and head of fibula (lateral Aspect)
Semitendinosus ------ poster medial tibial condyle
semitendinousus ------ anterior proximal tibial shaft
gastrocenmius ------  calcaneus via tendo achillies
soleus ------ calcanus via tendo achilles
gracills ------ medial proximal tibia
Orgin of semitendinosus and semimembranosus ------ ischial tuberositu
What do they do? ------ knee flexion, hip extension, medial rotation of flexed knee
for a squat what is the agonist ------ vastus intermedius, in knee extension
actions in the deadlift ------ vastus lateralis and vastus medialis, in knee extension
actions in the leg curl ------ biceps curl in hip extension and knee flexion
orgin and insertion of satorius ------ anterior superior illac spine, upper medial shaft of tibia
satorius ------ assisting in hip flexion, knee flexion, hip outward rotation, hip abduction, the syngerist in a leg curl
insertion and orgin of Tensor Fasciase later ------ illac crest, illotibial tibia tract abduction, med rotation, flexion at hip and knee extension
what is the tfl the synergist ------ syngerist to the guads when doing a lunge at the end of the range of motion in a lunge.
orgin and insertion of the glute minimus ------ posterior illumanterior surfrace of greater trochanter of femur
glute minimus actions ------ abduction and medial rotation of femur at hip
glute medius ------ illac crest,greater trochanter of femurabduction and medial rotation of femur at hip
what is the glute medius the agonist and synergist  ------ bands shuttlesglute max, TFL
Orgin and insertion of rectus femoris ------ anterior interior illac spinepatellaextension of knee, hip flexionbesides squats and deadlift, also burprees
ogin and insertion of glute max ------ posterior sacrum gluteal tuberosity of femur illotibial tractagonist in supine hip extension and knee flexion
4 hip flexors? ------ sartorius, guad, illosac soas
what do you do when the squat in the eccentric phase and has wearkness in adductors  ------ put band around knee and push out as they perform the squatÂ
Leg curl A S JA PÂ ------Â biceps femoris sartorius, knee flexion and saggital
supinr jackknife ------ biceps femories, satoruius, knee flexion and saggital hips stayed extended
attach on the linear aspera ------ vastus medialis lateralisknee extension, hip extension squat and lunge
anterior inferior illax spine ------ rectus femories
Muscle connected to the ant. sup. illac spine (insertion) and is the syngerist in what exercise? ------ sartorious sit up and shuttles and assist in hip flexion and hip abduction
the three abductors are ------ sartorious, TFL, GLute Minimius
what do the tensor fasciase latae do? ------ synergist to the rectus femorius, hip abduction and hip flexion and hip inward rotation
when the client jumps his knees keep coming in what muscles do you need to address? ------ hip adductors and adductors are weak.
WHen a person is performing a prone leg curl and is moving into knee flexion, what do you do? ------ the excessive movement is caused by tight glutesÂ
supinr knee flexion exercise (supine Jacknife) what is the glute doidng? ------ the glute is working isometrically, not hip extension but knee flexion sngerist is sartorious and agonsist is hamstrings
what are the glute  max actions? ------ hip extension, outward rotation, adduction
what are the insertion and orgin of the biceps femoris ------ hip extension, knee flexion,Â
what are the actions of the sartorious ------ hip flexion, external rotation, abduction, knee flexion
orgin and action of rectus femorus ------ AIIS ant int illaci spine,knee extension hip flexion and patella thru tibial tuberoity
name some hip flexors? ------ rectus femorius, TFL, sartorius
muscles that extend the knee? ------ rectus femorius, vastus intermedius, vastus lateralis, vastus medalis, TFL
Quadriceps exercises?  ------ extension (extended hip for rectus femoris and flexed hip for vasti)Exercises: cycling, leg press, squat, vertical jumping, stair climbing, jumping rope,plyometrics
Hamstrings ------ flexion and external rotation (biceps femoris) and flexion and internalrotation (semitendinosus and semimembranosus)
Hamstrings ------ jumping rope, hamstring curls with knee in external rotation (bicepsfemoris) and internal rotation (semitendinosus and semimembranosus)
Adductors ------ Sartoris Gracilis Pectineus Adductors (Brevis, Longus, Magnus)
addutors ------ flexion and internal rotation of lower extremities (sartoris, gracilis) andadduction of the hip (adductors)Exercises: side-lying leg raises, resistance adduction exercises
GLute MAx ------ extension and external rotation ocycling, plyometrics, jumping rope, stair-climbing (maximus),f the hip (maximus
medius and minmius ------ abduction ofthe hip (medius and minimusside-lyingleg aises, walking and running (medius and minimus)
TFLÂ ------Â hip flexion, abduction, & transverse adduction; tends to internally rotateship during flexionlunges, step-ups, lever-seated hip abduction
Iliopsoas (iliacus & psoas major/minor)Â ------Â hip flexion, external spinal rotation at the hipExercises: straight-leg sit-ups, running with knees lifted high, leg raises
Leg Press, Squats, Lunges ------ Glute Max GuadsHamstringsHip/Knee ExtensionSaggital
Leg Curl ------ HamstringsGastrocKnee FlexionSagg
Deadlift ------ Erector Spinaw, HamstringsGlute Max, Guads Trunk Extension, hip and knee extensionSagg
During a squat and the clinet is experiencing excessive hip flexion because thye have a long femur what do you do? ------ to minimize this widen the stance which shorten the distance between the hip and knee, elevatge the heels with weights to increase the distance from knee to the floor
list 3 muscles that attach on the linear aspera? ------ vastus mediius, vastus lateralis, biceps femoris
what are examples of preexhaust sets for guads ------ leg extension to squator leg extension to leg press/ lunge
pre exhasust for hamstrings ------ leg curl to squat, biceps curl to pull ups
abductors? ------ shuttles to frontal plane lunge
explain the 2 for 2 rule ------ 2 additionaly reps above goal on 2 consertive workouts
what is a single joint hip extension exercise? ------ supine hip extension, stiff leg deadlift
to make a superset what would you pair a miliatary press with? ------ abductionadduction to pulldowns, pullups
for beginners what is the FITT? ------ frengency - 2-3 times / week, 60-70 precent/ 12 plus reps8-10 setsalternativing upper and lower body
give 5 things that give the client excessive hip/trunk flexion while squatting ------ tight hip flexors - stretchpoor activation of posture muscular - hold a weight in shoulder flexionlong femur - widen stance, weigts on heels
poor ankle stabilityinternal rotations and short shoulder tightness ------ knee to wall and have them touch wall 2 inches from the wallcant maintain contact witht he wall , stretch and use the scarecrow technuiqe.
the cue for squatting to have more glute min/med activation? ------ spread the spem of the floor, dig toes in the ground, activate abductors,move into valgus band around knees and perform squat
what are complex sets? ------ box jump with RT exercise resistance running to squatshullcrusher to dips to skullercrushers
complex sets? ------ power/ resistancepower/resistance/powerRT/Power/RT combinations
list 3 exercise that have hip/knee extensions in the concentric phase? ------ squats, lunges, step ups, split squat
client performing lunge what are th 4 agonist at the knees? ------ guads rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, med, intermedialis
rules of exercise order? ------ power be4 strength, RT be4 cardio, multi be4 single, big be4 small, skilled be4 unskilled, unstable be4 stable
modified body weight step up to put more stimlus on the glute med/min? ------ make it a cross over step up
client collasp in frontal plane on left side where does the weight go? ------ weight goes on the left side
client is rounding out on a SLDL? 3 things to do? ------ vertical down rod, quadpele Rock, scarecrows
how to cue a client on a SLDL? ------ stand tall, chest high, head neutral, drops hips/ GLute back (anterior Pelvic Tilt), knee soft, and drive hips bacl to wall, keep scupla retracted
3 exercises that have knee flexion? ------ prone leg curl, falls, supine jackknife
client has tight plantar flexion caused by? ------ excessive hip flexion inability to dorsal flexion
a 180 pounds client, goal for fat loss? ------ for a week, lose 1.8 a week (1 precent)
proper hydration strategy for running? ------ 16 oz. for every pounds lost, 4 pounds times 16 equlats 64 oz. over a period
what happens when you overhydrate? ------ cardiac arrest
what is the water useage? ------ start with 16 oz 2 hours before the run, drink every 15-20 minutes between 6-8 oz.
protien assisgment for sendentary and althele? ------ 1.8 / kilogram1.5/2
importance for taking in fat? ------ esstential fatty acids that the body cant product
post exercise meal? ------ lower in fat, higher in carbs, because carbs are easier to disgest and easy to get into system, high glymic index , friuts, baked potatoes not time to eat oatmeal
eating too low in fat can lead to? ------ tired weak, no energy
when is intensity more important? ------ strengthÂ
client goal is hypertrophy training for 3 weeks what are recommendations? ------ he is still a beginner because he is less than 2 months , intermediate 2-6 months, advanced over 1 year also depends on age and lifestyle
cue a client doing a lunge? ------ start off on the floor, hip is used stand tall, shoulders over hip, client moves into trunk flexion caused by decreased moment arm, weak guads
leg extension and curls mahcines what is leg stepup? ------ joint is accesss of the macine
insertion of the guad  ------ tibial tuberosity
orgin of hamstrings ------ ishical
client has tight biceps femoris ------ toes goes out, hells drift during a squat
glute max in rotation (isometrically)Â ------Â weight on same leg that is up
supine hip exnteison/ flexed knee ------ limits lumbar extension/mobilitywith a flexed knee the hamstrings are shorten making you activate the glutes more
squat at the knee ------ guads (rectus Femoris)TFLKnee entensionSaggLunge, split squat, leg press
squatat hip ------ glute maxhamstrings (biceps femoris)knee extensionsaggsupine hip extension
SLDLÂ ------Â biceps femorisglute maxhip extensionsagkettlebell swings, ABCS, good morning, supine hip extension, hyperexntensions
prone leg curl ------ biceps femoris sartoriousknee flexionsagfalls, supine jackknife
shuttle ------ glute med/minTFLAbductionfrontalcross over , steps upsabduction exercisefrontal plane lunge

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