Which are the Very Best Leg Exercises ?
These Leg Exercises are Most Effective because they are Multi-Joint Functional Movements
The best leg exercises work a large percentage of your lower body muscle mass. The more muscle mass each leg exercise recruits, the more they will positively effect your body.
Lunges are by far the most effective leg exercises. They dynamically exercise your quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, as well as your adductors, abductors and calves. There is a whole page devoted to the lunge exercise which includes many variations.
Start: Stand with your shoulders in neutral posture and draw in your core.
Begin the motion: Step forward, gliding your foot along the ground until your heel touches a few feet in front of you. As your front toe lands you should bend your front and rear legs until your rear knee is about 1 inch above the floor. Your front heel should be directly below your knee. Both legs should bent at around the same angle which is around 90 degrees.
From the bottom position you have many options. For the basic lunge you should lift your body up at the same time you bring your hips forward until you are in the original standing position.
The lunge exercise page has in depth information about different forms of lunges.
Never lunge forward and land on your toes. Never let your front knee wobble side to side and try to avoid all lateral motion. Always keep your upper body upright, do not lean forward.
Dead Lifts
Dead lifts may not only be one of the best exercises, they could be the best of all exercises. Dead lifts are a full body exercise which depends on proper form to get the full benefits. If you perform dead lifts with improper form you risk injuries to your back and knees.
Start: Take a slightly wider than shoulder width stance. Grip the barbell with either an overhand or alternating grip. When you set up for the dead lift, you can lean back until your butt is pretty low.
It is crucially important for the entire motion to keep your back flat, never let your shoulders fall forward. Do not bend your arms the entire motion.
It is very important to stabilize your core and support your lower back to take a deep breath and hold it until the weight is pulled all the way up.
Begin the motion: Keep your core tightly drawn in for the duration of the dead lift. Drive up with your chest. Pull the weight straight up. Make sure to keep it as close to your body as you can. At the top of the motion you must contract your glutes (squeeze your butt) and retract your shoulders. Lower the weight all way back to the floor.
Remember, the dead lift is the act of lifting the weight off the floor. Every repetition make sure to lower the weight all the way to the floor.
It is an exercise which is best used for low reps. If you perform high reps on the dead lift, there is a good chance your form will break down and you will get injured.
The dead lift is one of the best leg exercises as it is a whole body task to lift the weight up, but is also a great exercise for your glutes, especially if the bar is low to start.
Hack Squats
Hack squats are pretty much identical to dead lifts except the bar is held behind your body instead of in the front.
Hack squats are somewhat of a forgotten exercise. You may be familiar with the hack squat machine at your local gym.
This makes hack squats less likely to cause injury than dead lifts. With the bar behind your body, it is less likely your shoulders can fall forward and cause a back injury.
The part about performing hack squats which may be difficult is it may be difficult to get the bar past your butt. Hack squats are far superior to hack squat machines because they are functional and use more muscle mass.
Back Squats
Squats are possibly the most fundamental exercise. They are one of the best leg exercises because they work a good percentage of your muscle mass. Proper back squats will help you get stronger, gain muscle, burn fat and tone your entire body more than any other exercise.
Start: Stand with a barbell on your upper shoulders. There are 2 common positions to put the barbell. The high position is right on top of your trapezious muscles. The low position is almost in the middle of your trapezious muscle. The low position is common among power lifters and people lifting very heavy weights. It is recommended you start in the high position.
Begin the motion: Unpack the barbell and clear the racks. The first movement in the back squat is the anterior pelvic rotation. Before you bend your knees, you must rotate your hips forward. This causes your butt to travel backwards. Lower your butt down as if you are sitting on an imaginary chair.
Squat down as far as you can comfortably. It is preferable if you squat down until your hips and knees are parallel but not necessary. After you reach bottom, lead upwards with your chest. This means you never should let your shoulders move forward. Contract your glutes as you reach the standing position.
Always keep the core very tightly draw in during the entire motion of weighted back squats. If performed correctly weighted back squats are the choice of many for the best leg exercise.
The good thing about squats is you can get a good leg workout with just your body weight. There are many variations of squats. You can perform a squat without any weights, or use dumbbells. You can either hold the dumbbells in a high hang position in front of your shoulders or a low hang at your sides.
Front Squats
Front squats are the same as back squats except the bar is placed across the anterior deltoids (front of shoulders.)
This requires very strong shoulders if you use a decently heavy weight. If you are able to hold the bar properly front squats are one of the best leg exercises.
Front squats were originally performed as part of the Olympic lift, the clean and jerk. When you perform front squats you can either hold the bar in high hang position or have your arms either crossed in front of you.
An advantage of front squats is you can usually squat with more range of motion than a back squat.
The major disadvantage is the difficulty of holding the bar as it is hard on the anterior deltoids and wrists.
Physio Ball Weighted Squats
The physio ball squat is a perfect leg exercise for beginners. It can help teach the proper hip movement for back squats while the legs are in the optimal 90 degree relationship. This will eliminate almost all stress on the lower back.
Start: Place a stability ball against a wall. Lean back into the ball with it positioned in the middle of your back.
Position your feet around shoulder distance apart. You should have your feet about a foot in front of your hips. Hold the dumbbells in a high hang position at your shoulders or a low hang position at your sides.
Begin the motion: Draw in your core. Rotate your pelvis anteriorly (stick your butt out) and slowly drop your hips straight down towards the floor. Do not let your hips move forward.
Stop when your hips, knees, and ankles are aligned in a 90 degree angle. Pause for a second and squat back up to the original position.
Step-ups are one of the best leg exercises because they are truly a functional movement. This means they directly mimic ADLs (Activities of Daily Living) and involve stabilization in different planes.
Start: You can use pretty much anything to step up on just make sure it is stable and safe, especially if you use weight.
Begin the motion: Draw in your core. Step up to the box. Make sure when you land you land on your heel and not your toes. Squat yourself up with the leg you stepped up with, and contract your glutes at the top.
You may or may not use weight in the form of a dumbbell or barbell. You can add different upper body exercises with step-ups. Just make sure you have mastered balancing during the step-up before you try to progress the difficulty of these best legs exercises.
Romanian Dead Lifts
The RDL or Romanian Dead Lift is one of the best legs and butt exercises. Out of all the best leg exercises it is the best hamstring exercise because it is a functional, mutli-joint movement. Many women claim that the RDL really helps reduce cellulite and tighten up the backside.
The RDL is an advanced movement which takes proper instruction and practice to master.
Start: You can either have a loaded barbell or dumbbells on the floor or in a low hang position. Keep your legs in a slightly bent position for the duration of the movement. It is essential to have your shoulders stabilized in a retracted (together in back) position for the duration of the movement as well.
Begin the motion: It is essential to have a super tight drawn in core as you begin this motion. Stick your butt backwards lowering the bar or dumbbells as close too your body as possible. Only lower the bar to where you can keep the strict form. Raise the weight back up, at the top of the motion it is very important you retract your shoulder blades (squeeze them together) and contract your glutes.
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