Sunday, January 31, 2010

3 Phases of Each Rep

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There are 3 Phases of Each Repetition

During each rep it is Very, Very Important to Focus on all 3 Phases in Order to get a Complete set and Optimal Workout


The concentric part of a rep is the muscle shortening phase. You can think of the concentric phase as the part of a lift when you lift the weight up against gravity. You usually exhale your breath as you complete the concentric phase.

Many weight lifters focus solely on the concentric phase. This is a HUGE mistake because your muscles and body respond better to training when you focus on all phases of each rep.


The eccentric part of a rep is the muscle lengthening phase. You can think of the concentric phase as the part of a lift when you lower the weight with gravity. Most of the time you exhale your breath during the eccentric phase.

This is the most neglected part of the rep. Your muscles can handle a heavier load during the eccentric phase. which makes it important to always lower the weight slowly under control.

There is even an advanced technique called eccentric negatives. Negatives involve using a weight which is heavier than you can lift concentrically.


The isometric portion of a rep is when the muscle is neither shortening or lengthening but is under tension. You will hold your breath for a short isometric phase.

You can think of the isometric as the action of your muscles when you try to push a brick wall down. Your muscles are working, but like the brick wall do not move.

The isometric part of the rep is often neglected. It is important to pause for at least a split second after each eccentric (lowering) phase. It is essential to be able to stabilize any weight isometrically before heavier loads can be used.

Isometric only training was used before weight were mainstream. Believe it or not, isometric only training is just as effective as building muscle as any.

The main disadvantage of isometric training is the only the range of motion which you exercise is strengthened during a static rep. A wall sit, in which you sit against a wall with your legs at a 90 degree angle is a good example of an isometric exercise.

The leg muscles only are strengthened in that angle. Therefore it is a good idea to perform complete sets and reps using all 3 phases of the lift for your legs as well as your whole body.

How Many Sets and Repetitions you Perform for a Given Exercise Depends on a Number of Factors

Which Exercise Factors Determine how Many Sets and Repetitions you Should Perform ?

Quality Should Always be More Important than Quantity for each Exercise

This holds true regardless of the exercise or the phase of training. The only exception to this rule is if your specific goal deals with a quantity. If you want to do 1000 push-ups you will have to train sacrificing form some of the time.

Exercise Form

Since the quality of sets and reps is most important it should determine how many sets and reps you perform. If you are unable to keep up proper form for an exercise for each rep of a set, you should stop.

Weight training is not a counting exercise. There is no magic number with regards to sets and reps. It is most important to perform a quality set of quality reps than 10, 15, 20, etc. reps.


Failure is when you try with perfect form to complete another repetition but your muscles are completely gassed.

A perfect set is one which you can not complete the desired number of repetitions. If you pick a weight which you try to complete 10 repetitions and can only complete 9.5 with perfect form you have succeeded by reaching failure.

If you reach failure during the first set, some experts claim that you do not need to perform another set. This is debatable but you can try and see what works best for you.

Rest in Between Sets

The amount of time you take to rest in between sets has a direct correlation to your ability to perform the next set. Weight training is an anaerobic exercise so full recovery in between sets is around a minute.

Muscles being Trained

Your body's muscles are composed primarily of 2 different types of muscle fibers.

Slow twitch muscle fibers (type I) are built for endurance and are highly resistant to fatigue. Muscles with primarily slow twitch fibers respond better to more repetitions such as the abdominals.

Fast twitch muscle fibers (type II) are less resistant to fatigue and respond better to a moderate to low range of reps. Most muscles in your extremities are composed of type II muscle fibers. Your genetics and training can effect the ratio of type I to type II muscle fibers in your body.

Phase of Training

Your body has the ability to adapt to any exercise. If you perform the same number of sets and reps without change your body will plateau.

A plateau is when you stop your gains come to a stand still. Plateau is represented by the exhaustion phase of the general Adaptation syndrome model on the right.

If you train properly you should lift in phases. This is called periodization and it is the basis of all serious athletes, bodybuilders, and strength trainers. Periodization adjusts weight training volume to account for adaptation.

Periodization simply put, is the cycling different periods of higher and lower volume (sets and reps) in your training program. If you are not a competitive athlete you can think of periodization as separate training periods of lighter weights with more reps or heavier weights with less reps.

How do You Know Which Phase to be in ?

Your Goals Determine which Phase of Training you Should Use

If your goals are more about strength you should be in the lower reps phase for a majority of the time. If your goals are body composition related such as weight loss, muscle gain or toning, you should be in the higher reps phase for a majority of the time.

Even though you are most likely not a competitive athlete or body builder you can benefit significantly from using the periodization model. You benefit because with the science of weight training on your side, you will get optimal results.

You go through alarm, resistance and adaptation phases of periodization before you take your active rest and start again. If you don't follow the protocol you will most likely start the exhaustion phase which will hinder your results. The GAS or General Adaptation Syndrome is outlined in the chart (above).

When do You Switch up Sets and Reps ?

Like most exercise related issues, this varies from person to person. Athletes who have strict strength and conditioning programs have a competition season to plan their different periods around.

As a normal person who just looks to be in great shape the time to switch phases is when you start to plateau. When if you start to feel less energy, lose strength or get bored it is a great time to take a rest.

You Should Have a Rest Period Between Cycles

A very important part of periodization is rest. If you have been lifting for heavy sets and reps for a while and are ready to switch to a cycle of light sets and reps a period of a week of active rest will make a big difference to your success in the next phase.

Active rest means you can be active but avoid structured exercise such as jogging and weight training. After you have your active rest period, the new phase of training will cause the alarm in which your body has to adapt to (lose weight, gain muscle).

What are Guidelines for Sets and Reps ?

The number of sets and reps you should perform is not set in stone. When you hear "low reps" it usually means 8 or less reps per set. "High reps" usually means 12-20 repetitions per set.

There is no complex formula to determine how many sets and reps you should perform. Sets and repetitions are a very debated topic in health and fitness field because there really is no absolute answer.

Some "experts" say that one set per body part is all you need. Other "experts" scoff at the first set "experts" and say that is ineffective.

You can Establish Your Own Guidelines for Sets and Reps

Trial and error is the only way you can determine which sets and reps scheme will work for you. There are many training modalities out there so it is best to try as many as you can to see which yields you the most results.

Here are Some Very General Guidelines Which You can Start With


2 Sets of 15-20 Repetitions

If you are a beginner it is very important your body learns proper form. During the beginning phase of weight training your nervous system will be trained more than your muscles. During each movement you may not feel a certain muscle fatigue.

Your neurological system is not familiar with certain motions so it is best to perform slow and controlled motions for a high number of reps. This will allow your neurological system to catch up to your muscular system.

Once you brain is able to recruit the muscle groups properly then it is time to increase the weight and move on to the next phase. It usually takes about a month for your body to neurologically adapt


3 Sets of 8-12 Repetitions

Since your nervous system has adapted your muscles are ready to accept heavier loads. After the beginning phase your muscle recruitment patterns good enough to recruit a good percentage of your muscle group during each exercise.

At this point an extra set can be helpful also because it will increase your training volume which could lead to hypertrophy (grow larger) of the muscles.

During the intermediate phase you will start to feel more of the targeted muscle fatigue during the exercise. During all your sets and reps it is very important to feel the muscular contraction.

When you lift for a set number of reps, you should choose a weight which you think you can lift only that many times. If you can perform the desired number of reps, you may want to increase the weight for the next set.

You can be in the intermediate phase for years. Many people never become advanced weight trainers. You do not have to become advanced to get results from any exercise program.


3-5 Sets of 1-20 Repetitions

If you can control heavy and light weights with correct form and are comfortable with muscular failure you can consider yourself advanced. At this stage you should be familiar with your body's ability to lift weights and the response to weight training.

Sets and reps for advanced weight trainers is very open. To know the correct amount of weight to use for a strength gaining program it is important to determine your 1RM or 1 rep maximum for certain lifts. Once you determine the 1RM you can accurately choose the amount of weight to use for a set of any number of reps with load assignment chart.

As previously mentioned, it is best to organize your training with the periodization model to get the best results.

Important Information to Take Home

You are NOT Lifting Weights, You are Contracting your Muscles

You don't win the pink stuffed elephant if you lift a certain weight 10 times. The prize you get is improved strength and endurance as well as a lean, toned body for contracting your muscles.

The Number Sets and Reps are Not Set in Stone, Use Trial and Error to Find what works Best for You

Your body's primary muscle fiber type and genetics help determine how your body will respond to weight training. If your goal is to gain strength you should definitely use the Load assignment chart to help you determine the number of sets and reps.

Rest as Little as Possible in Between Sets

Unless you are specifically trying to gain strength you should have minimal rest in between sets. In order to not rest in between sets there are different ways to organize your sets of exercises such as super-sets, tri-sets and giant sets.

Light Weights (high reps) do Not Tone and Heavy Weights (low reps) do Not Bulk

This is the most predominant fitness myth. A proper weight training program includes periods of low reps with heavy weights and high reps with light weights.

Whether your weight training program helps you tone or bulk up depends mostly on your diet and genetics.

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