Chapter 14
You are training a new client, Max Energy, who expressed his dislike for cooling down after his morning running session. Using the Tell-Show-Do method of educating, create a lesson plan for teaching Max a proper cool-down
a. Tell – Explain the benefits of a proper cool-down (decreases residual muscle soreness, increased flexibity, reduce likelihood of injury) and dangers of improper cool-downs (blood pooling and stress on the cardiovascular system).
b. Show Demonstrate by reducing the jog to a fast walk and then to a slow walk. Demonstrate stretches that can be used at the end of the session( calves, hamstrings, hip flexors, guadriceps, etc.)
c. Do- Observe Max during the end of his run and give him positive feedback as he properly cools down. Offer constructive feedback when he does not perform he cool-down properly.
Upon attempting to teach Max Energy a proper cooldown, he displays resistance to learning.
a. List some of the nonverbal cues you are likely to observe from Max. – Max may display angry, frowning, grimacing or distracted facical expressions, pursed lips, rigid or backward-leaning body posture, crossed arms, foot tapping, and crossed legs.
b. Create questions that you can use to discern why Max prefers not to cool down. – What is it you dislike about cooldowns? What is your reaction to my suggestion to cool down? What are your thoughts or feelings about my suggestion to cool down? I am sensing that you do not like to cool down, what are some of the reasons?
c. Create a summary you can use to conclude the session with Max. Well, Max today we worked on a cool-down that takes a minimal amount of time and increases the benefits of your exercise program.
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