Bodyweight Training- Exercise Variation
There are lots of variations for the above exercises. Once they get too easy, experiment and figure out some new ways to incorporate these movements into your training. If you aren’t sure what these are, go to YouTube and give these a search. You can probably find a demo on there in less than 10 seconds. Squat Variations: Box Squats, jump squats, walking lunges, forward lunges, lateral lunges, pistols, step-ups, Hindu squats, reverse lunges, split squats, Bulgarian Split Squats, jumping variations (broad jump, box jump, vertical jump, bounding, lunge jumps).
Push Up Variations: Decline push-ups, weighted push-ups, hand-walking, handstand push-ups, hand-walking with push-ups, push-ups with added range of motion, plyometric push-ups, barbell push-up, neutral grip push up, chain/banded push-ups, medicine ball push-ups, one-arm push-up, blast-strap/ring push-ups, diamond push-ups, wide grip push-ups, close grip push-ups, “tripod” push-ups.
Band Push Up Progression
Hindu Push Ups
Sit-Up Variations: Front plank, side plank, weighted sit up, roman chair sit up, ISO-hold sit ups at midpoint, Glute-Ham raise sit up, decline sit-ups, banded sit ups, hanging leg raise, oblique side raise, knees to elbows (basically any abdominal or lower back exercise that can be performed with bodyweight and lots of repetitions).
Straight Bar Sit-ups
Chin-Up Variations:Wide grip pull-up, close grip pull-up, mixed grip pull-up, kipping pull-up, jumping pull-up, muscle-up (pull-up/dip hybrid), ring/blast strap chin-ups, weighted chin/pull-up, neutral grip pull-chin up, eccentric weighted pull/chin up, explosive/plyo chin ups, towel pull/chin-ups, rope climbing, rope pull/chin-ups, recline rows, inverted rows, supine ring rows, 45-degree ring row.
Dip Variations: Upright dips, lean forward dips, weighted dips, close grip dips, band-resisted dips, muscle-up (dip/pull up hybrid), ring/blast strap dips, L-Seat dips, dips with knee raise, 1 ¼ dips.
I probably left some out, so feel free to add to the list if you don’t see something on here! If you simply implement these into your training and are constantly rotating, you can supply endless amount of variation to your current training?
Putting it all together
Again, assess where you are NOW, and where you’d like to be 4, 8, and 12 weeks from now. Be very specific. Write down your goals. Don’t get frustrated! If you suck at these, do them A LOT. The more often you practice a skill, the better you get! Don’t be afraid to do something you aren’t very good at 3, 4, or 5 times a week!
Herschel Walker, one of the greatest running backs ever to play football grew up without access to weights, yet he was able to perform TONS of push-ups, sit-ups, dips, chin-ups, and squats (and I’m sure he threw in lots of these variations as well!)
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