Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Serious ABS!

Serious Abs!
2 Challenging Exercises For Powerful, Rock Hard Abdominals

No matter how hard you train your abs, you’ll never see what’s going on underneath if you have a layer of fat covering your abs! Is this news to you? Hardly!

So tighten up that diet and focus on getting yourself a set of SERIOUS rock hard abs. I am telling you now though, this will not happen through wimpy exercises. You’re gonna have to work your abs hard and challenge them like never before!

My two favorite exercises that really challenge the abs like no other movements are:

1) Pike using suspended rings or straps
2) Ab wheel roll out (kneeling or standing)

How to perform each movement:

The Suspended Pike

Extend your arms out in front of you as far as you can, then slowly bring your arms back and raise your hips while bringing your hands to your knees. Your arms remain straight during the entire movement and as you pike up, you will raise up on the balls of your feet.

You can make this a little easier by NOT extending the arms in front of your body. As your core improves in strength you can extend and pike together! 2 or 3 hard sets to fatigue with perfect form will get the job done!

Step 1: Get situated on the handles

Step 2: Extend arms out in front as far as possible while keeping core tight!

Step 3: Pull arms and hands toward knees to perform the pike while staying on balls of your feet. Roll back out slowly, so hands are again extended out in front of you

Ab Wheel Roll Out

I use the power wheel from Lifeline USA, but I’ve seen people use the small ab wheels you can buy from any sporting good store or even make your own from a hardware store with an axle and lawnmower tires!

Start the exercise kneeling until you can do 15 reps in a row. Then, move to phase II: perform the roll out standing, but roll back in on knees. Build up to 15 reps on these.

Finally, move to phase III: perform the roll out on your toes the entire time, never allowing the knees to touch the ground. Crank out 2 – 3 sets to fatigue with 30 second rest periods. You can perform the roll out and the pike as straight sets, or in a circuit, performing the 2 movements in a row, but maybe lowering the reps slightly for each exercise.

Although these movements are tough and challenging, like anything, the body will adapt to this workout quickly so always use variety and keep shocking your abs!

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