Ever since I first discussed the importance of “the power look” and how important it is to earn respect and separate you from the pencil neck, I am repeatedly asked about how to build big traps. The best trap building exercise in existence is the deadlift. One need look no further than the massive trap development of elite powerfliters to see how effective this exercise is at building these intimidating muscles. But pussyfooting around with light weights will never get the job done. You need to deadlift heavy weights (with picture perfect form) for sets of 3-10 reps. A good goal for most lifters is to be able to pull double bodyweight for five reps. If you want traps like Brock Lesnar aim for 2.5 times your bodyweight for a set of five. Deadlifts should be performed once a week for 1-3 sets of 5-10 reps.
Any discussion about how to build big traps would not be complete without discussing the Olympic lifts and their various pull variations. Utilizing Olympic lifts and their pull variations such as snatches, cleans, high pulls and clean pulls are another great way to build huge traps. A great advanced trap building routine involves working from the top down and combining Olympic pulls and deadlifts into one workout. Below is an advanced workout that will build enormous traps on just about anyone.
1) Hang Clean- 4 x 3-5 x 90sec rest
2) High Pull- 3 x 5-6 x 60sec
3) Deadlift – 1 x 6-8, 1 x 10-12 x 120sec
4) Neck Extensions with Harness- 2-3 x 12-20 x 90sec
Finish up the workout with some calves, abs and grip work. Do this workout once per week and do no other back work, besides a few sets of chin ups one other day per week. Follow this program for 4-6 weeks and add weight as often as you can, as long as you maintain perfect form.
If you can’t deadlift perfectly from the floor with pristine technique, it is recommended to pull from rubber mats, blocks or pins in order to prevent lower back injuries.
Now you know how to build big traps. So go get after it.
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