The Resistance Band Exercises Workout
Get a quick fatloss workout with these 6 resistance band exercises. Perform 30 seconds of the first three exercises one after another without resting between moves. Take a 30 second break then repeat two more times. Then perform 30-45 seconds of the last three exercises one after another without resting between moves. Takes a quick break and repeat 2 more times. Take about 20 minutes and can burn about 300-400 calories.
Exercise Standing Chest Press with Band
1. Start by securing the band at chest level behind you and standing with your feet together. To have a more stable stance you can bring one foot in front of the other in a staggered stance(lunge stance).
2. Hold the band with your hands at chest level and your elbows back.
3. Press the bands out away from your body until your arms are extended.
4. Return to the starting position and repeat for the recommended repetitions.
Resistance Band Exercise Tip:
Increase the intensity by taking a step forward every time you press. Alternate legs to work the core more effectively. Sets Reps Weight/
Resistance 45 degree Lat Pulldown with bands
1) Secure door strap overhead at top of door.
2) Start position: Position hands overhead and shoulder width apart. Grasp handles with a neutral grip (palms facing each other) and lean trunk forward in alignment with the angle of the tubing from the point of attachment.
3) Pull handles down to approximately ear level, making sure you lead with the elbows and squeeze the shoulder blades together at the end of the pulldown.
4) Return to start position.
Resistance Band Exercise Tip:
Increase intensity by stepping one foot back into a lunge position as you row. Alternate feet for balance. Sets Reps Weight/
Resistance Wood Chop with band or cable
1. Start by standing parallel to the band or cable.
2. Hang onto the handle in front of your body but up above your head and over the shoulder. Keeping your arms semi straight rotate your body down and away from the band.
3. Keep your feet planted and twist from your trunk or core. Remember to keep your arms semi straight throughout the movement.
4. Return to the starting point and repeat according to the required repetitions.
5. Repeat with the other side.
Resistance Band Exercise Tip: Sets Reps Weight/
Resistance Stationary Lunge with Fit Band
1) Stand with feet hip width apart. Take left leg and step back approximately 2 feet standing on the ball of the foot. Place fit band under front foot and hold the other end with your hands.
2) Start position: Feet should be positioned at a staggered stance with head and back erect and straight in a neutral position. Place hands on hips.
3) Lower body by bending at right hip and knee until thigh is parallel to floor. Body should follow a straight line down towards the floor.
4) Return to start position.
Resistance Band Exercise Tip:
Increase intensity by adding bicep curls either at the top or bottom of the movement. Sets Reps Weight/
Resistance Pullups with Bands
1. Start by placing your feet in the band and your hands on the bar.
2. With your legs straight pull yourself up until your chest reaches the bar.
3. Return to the starting position and repeat for the desired repetitions.
Resistance Band Exercise Tip:
Can also be done with just one leg on the band. Sets Reps Weight/
Resistance High Pull with Band
Starting Position: Face the cable with your hands outstretched and hanging on to the cable handle in a low position.
Keeping the arms straight stand up using your low back and raise your arms above your head.
Return to the starting position and repeat.
Resistance Band Exercise Tip:
Bend from the hips and reach the hands all the way back to the heels.
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