Saturday, May 15, 2010

SandBag Protocol 4

Sandbag Get-up
Lie completely on your back with the bag on one shoulder. Roll to the opposite shoulder and drive the opposite arm into the ground.
Slowly drive yourself up to a lunge position aiming to keep the chest very tall. Push through the ground to get to a standing position.
Very slowly return to the original on the ground position without looking downwards.
Muscles Trained: Abdominals, Hips

Sandbag Bear Hug Squat
Grab the sandbag around the midpoint and clasp the arms around the sandbag.
With the chest elevated, push the knees outwards into a deep squat position.
Prevent any forward lean of the torso during any aspect of the lift.
Muscles Trained: Hips, Thighs, Abs, Arms, Upper Back

Sandbag Rotational Lunge
Begin standing with the sandbag in front of the body.
Lunge backwards while simultaneously twisting towards the opposite direction.
Press through the front heel to come back to the original position. Increase speed or swing of the sandbag to make the exercise more difficult.
Muscles Trained: Hips, Thighs, Obliques
Sandbag Shoulder Lunge
Begin with the bag on the outside of your legs. Squat down to grab the bag by the ends. Explosively rip the bag up above your head while transferring your weight to the opposite side.

Repeat back to the original start position.

Muscles Trained: Glutes, Obliques, Shoulders

Sandbag Bent Over Row
Grab the bag and come to a full standing position. Bend at the hips and stick the butt back with a slight bend in the knees. Keeping a strong arch to the low back and the chest sticking outwards, pull the sandbag towards the lower part of the chest.
Make sure to squeeze the shoulder blades back and drive the elbows upwards.
Muscles Trained: Low Back, Upper Back, Biceps, Shoulders
Give odd-object lifts and sandbag training a try for yourself and I'm certain it'll spark new results if your routines have been boring lately! You can check out the Sandbags and the workout programs that come with the sandbag training system below...

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