Friday, May 7, 2010

Abs without Cruches! 2

My Championship-Winning Ab Workout Routine

Personally, I only do about 15 minutes of ab work two times per week, with anywhere from two to four exercises for about 10-25 reps per exercise. Forget about thousands of reps of sit ups – it’s a waste of time. The reason my abs look the way they do is not from endless repetitions, but because I get my body fat down into the single digits with a highly specialized fat-burning diet program. Here’s a recent ab routine that I've used (for bodybuilding/ ab-development purposes). I do this routine only twice a week and I change the exercises approximately every month so my body doesn't adapt. I prefer slightly higher rep range than other muscle groups, but as you can see, it is far from doing a thousand reps a day. A1 Hanging leg raises
3 sets, 15-20 reps Superset to: A2 Hanging knee ups (bent-knee leg raises)
3 sets, 15-20 reps 
(no rest between supersetted exercises A1 & A2, 60 sec between supersets) B1 Weighted swiss ball crunches (or weighted cable crunches)
3 sets, 15-20 reps Superset to: B2 Incline Bench Reverse crunches
3 sets, 15-20 reps
(no rest between supersetted exercises B1 & B2, 60 sec between supersets)

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