Sunday, April 11, 2010

Lean Body Mass

Blog Update: Why Build Lean Body Mass is important to your health than traditional steady state “Cardio”

That’s right, building Lean Body Mass thru Kickboxing and my circuit workouts are MORE IMPORTANT than “cardio”. And here are the top 9 reasons why?

1. Lean Mass = Metabolism

There is nothing else you can do – and certainly nothing you can eat – that will actually boost your metabolism, except for adding lean mass and moving your lean mass.

The truth is only lean mass boosts metabolism. Period. And everyone knows how important your metabolism is for staying lean and healthy.

2. Lean Mass = Curves in all the right spots

Here’s the equation to putting curves in all the right spots, no matter if you are a man or a woman:

Build lean mass + boost metabolism + burn fat from bad curves + add lean mass to right curves = Totally sexy body

Let’s see cardio do that. Won’t happen.

3. Lean Mass = Strength in old age

Having strength in your 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, and beyond is far more important than cardio fitness in old age. People don’t fall because they lack cardio fitness. They don’t get put in wheelchairs because they can’t jog 10k. They get disabled because they have no muscle or strength.

The majority of obstacles to living a full life as you grow older come from not having strength or muscle. That’s a fact.

4. Lean Mass = Keeping up with your kids.

And it means keeping teenage boys intimidated and out of the house if you have a teenage girl.

Lean mass also equals less embarrassment if you have teenage boys. No one wants a fat, weak, wimpy old man.

5. Lean Mass = A good reason to eat more food…and the ability to burn more calories.

Listen, most of the guys I know who have lots of lean mass need 3000 calories per day just to MAINTAIN their size.

It’s a win-win. You get to eat more to build lean mass, and you get to eat more to keep lean mass. Not so with lame ol’ cardio.

6. Lean Mass = Functional Strength

Whether it is carrying groceries, controlling your crazy dog on a leash, or cleaning out the garage, the more lean mass you have, the easier everything will be. Lean mass = POWER.

7. Lean Mass = Confidence

Everywhere I go the folks with lean mass are the ones with a crowd around them, attracting high-energy, positive people. And it seems like the skinny ones…they all seem to walk around with their head down…a little shy and ashamed…hey, that’s just the way it is. Don’t get mad…get lean mass instead.

8. Lean Mass = Looking awesome in a t-shirt, no matter what gender, no matter where you go.

Again, just another example of how lean mass gives you power, confidence, and a reason to buy really nice fitting shirts.

It doesn’t matter if you’re hitting NYC, Vegas, Miami, or the lake that you go to every summer with the family, looking good in a t-shirt (or bathing suit) is a great feeling.

9. Lean Mass = The Beach.

When you have lean mass, the beach becomes the place to be. When you don’t have lean mass, the beach becomes a dirty word…a place to avoid…and who wants to avoid the beach, baby?

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