Saturday, July 3, 2010

Best deadlift assistance exercises

Best Deadlift Assistance Exercises
Without further ado, let’s list the best deadlift assistance exercises!
The Glutes
Best Exercises that Work the Glutes in a Stretched Position:
1. Full Squats
2. Front Squats
3. Zercher Squats
Best Exercises that Work the Glutes at End-Range Contraction:
1. Barbell Glute Bridges (see video)
2. Barbell Hip Thrusts (see video)
3. Pull-Throughs
Other Great Glute Exercises:
1. Pendulum Donkey Kicks (see video)
2. Seated Abduction (see video)
3. Band Hip Rotation (see video)
4. Weighted Bird Dogs (see video)
5. Elevated Lunges
6. Bottom Up Single Leg Hip Thrusts (see video)
The Hamstrings
Best Exercises that Work the Hamstrings in a Stretched Position:
1. Deficit Deadlifts
2. Good Mornings
3. Snatch Grip Deadlifts
Best Exercises that Work the Hamstrings at End-Range Contraction:
1. Weighted Back Extensions
2. Reverse Hypers (see video)
3. 45-Degree Back Raises (see video)
Other Great Hamstring Exercises:
1. Dimel Deadlifts (see video)
2. Glute-Ham Raises (see video)
3. Russian Leg Curls
4. Gliding Leg Curls (see video)
5. Standing Single Leg Pendulum Leg Curls (see video)
6. Rack Pulls
The Erector Spinae and Upper Back
1. Thoracic Extensions (see video)
2. Front Squats (possibly the best and most overlooked upper back strengthener?)
3. Safety Bar Upper Back Good Mornings
4. Seated Good Mornings
5. Bent Over Rows
6. T-Bar Rows
7. Shrugs
8. One Arm Lever Rows (see video)
The Abs/Obliques
1. Ab Wheel Rollouts (see video)
2. Straight Leg Sit Ups
3. Hanging Leg Raises
4. Side Bends
5. Weighted Front Planks (see video)
6. Suitcase Holds (see video)
7. Band Anti-Rotary Hold (see video)
8. The Grappler (see video)
The Quads
1. Leg Press (yes, the leg press is great for deadlifting & quad strength off the floor)
2. Full Squat, Parallel Squat, Half Squat
3. Hack Lift
4. Bulgarian Split Squat
5. Forward Front Lunge
6. Low Barbell Step Up
7. Front Squat Harness Squat (see video)
8. Pendulum Donkey Kick
The Forearms
1. Deficit Deadlift (longer TUT)
2. Rack Pull (heavier load)
3. Deadlifts against Bands (accommodating resistance)
4. Barbell Shrugs
5. One Arm Lever Rows
6. Mixed Grip Static Holds

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